Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fashion Obsession - BCBG's Color Block Dress

I am in in fact, I am actually obsessed with this dress. I tried it on at the BCBG store in Ala Moana and since then my fashion mind has not been the same. It has become consumed with thoughts of this dress and oh how wonderful we would be together. At first, I didn't think it would like me because of my figure flaws but it accepted better, it welcomed me and made my body look hot. This dress is a work of genius with the looks of Venus. The color blocking pattern and material will give anyone a great slimming effect. The varying shades of blue are so money with my fair skin. It's oh so sexy without showing a lot of skin. But alas like all great passionate romances it couldn't last forever and drama ensued. Just as I was about to take the relationship to the next level (i.e. purchase the baby), I looked down and saw the price tag. Yikes,  $248.00! I may be a fashionista but I am also an economic realist. That one little yet significant flaw shook me out of my drunken love haze and tearfully in my heart I had to place it back on the rack. Although we never made it out of the store together, I still can dream that one day we will be together again. And in my dream I would style it with some sexy nude pumps, funky silver and black jewelry and top it off with a ruffle studded clutch....Ahh the perfect clubbing outfit. Dream baby dream.


  1. Ah this is a really nice dress! Maybe you might be able to find it a little cheaper someplace else. But if you love it then why not go for it right!!! Love the colors!

  2. Would love to go for it but I just bought my ticket to Korea so I got save some money for that trip. :)
